For those seeking a speedy and secure sale, auctions can present an attractive option. An auction provides an ideal platform to expedite the selling process, with the added benefit of a buyer deposit securing the transaction. Robinson & Robinson Estates, in collaboration with Strettons Auctioneers based in London, understands the value of auctions and the benefits they offer.
Strettons Auctioneers, with their establishment dating back to 1931, boast extensive market knowledge and maintain active lists of potential purchasers. This ensures that properties put up for auction receive considerable attention, potentially leading to achieving their best possible price. The key to a successful auction lies in pricing the property appropriately, as a well-priced property tends to attract higher levels of interest and competition among buyers.
One of the advantages of selling through auctions is the non-refundable buyer deposit. When a buyer successfully wins the bidding process, they are required to place a deposit as a sign of their commitment to the purchase. This deposit is non-refundable, which provides sellers with additional assurance that the sale is secured and less likely to fall through.
Moreover, auctions come with a set timeline for completion. In the case of Robinson & Robinson Estates’ collaboration with Strettons Auctioneers, the commitment to exchange contracts within 28 days after the auction ensures a swift and decisive process.
It is a common misconception among some sellers that auctions are primarily suited for cheap properties or bank repossessions. However, this belief is unfounded. Auctions have evolved to accommodate a wide range of properties, and they can be particularly beneficial for various scenarios, including unique or high-demand properties. The competitive environment of an auction can lead to premium prices being achieved for desirable properties, and the speed of the process is appealing to both buyers and sellers.
In conclusion, auctions offer a compelling solution for those looking to sell a property quickly and with a level of certainty. With the support of experienced auctioneers like Strettons, the process becomes even more efficient and effective. Auctions are no longer limited to distressed properties but encompass a diverse range of real estate, making them a viable option for many sellers in the current market.